The physical mesh
The physical mesh is a wrapper mesh that marks the interaction zone of an object in a MaxWehere space. You could imagine it as the hit zone of an object. For example, if you look at Suzanne in the image below, you could see the purple mesh that will appear in MaxWhere - it is quite smooth - and the gray see-through wrapper object around it that is the physical mesh.
Exporting physical mesh
The physical mesh is simplified by the MaxWhere Blender Exporter during the general export process. The following image demonstrates the generated physical objects from quality settings -5 to 1. The "0" quality setting will produce an exact copy of the in-blender mesh.
The physical object exported with the the automatic property option enabled, and the best quality (1) used as fallback will be adequate for most purposes. The worse qualities can come in handy if the intended MaxWhere space needs to enable interactions with several small objects as a group, for example. However, if a precise physical object is needed, it can be exported separately as explained in this section and combined into the exported MaxWhere space manually.