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Cameras and lights

Adding a camera

There should be one camera in a Blender scene to be exported. This camera will define the initial view in MaxWhere. If there is no camera in the Blender scene the exporter will place a default camera in the origo of the MaxWhere space.

If there is more than one camera is placed, the Exporter will try to export the scene camera (the last active camera) or if there is no such camera found, then the first one it finds. It will not necessarily be the first one shown in the outliner, so it is generally not advised to have more.

Adding a light

All Blender light types (spot, sun, directional, areal light) can be placed in the scene to be exported.

In MaxWhere lights will not look the same as in Blender but their positions and basic settings are exported. Light power can be set to any non-negative value, but in the MaxWhere space, a maximum of 100 W will be used, even if it is set higher in the original Blender space.

It is not advised to use more than 8 lights in a MaxWhere space. Theoretically, any number of lights can be used, but it would be too taxing for a run-of-the-mill hardware setup to handle without frame drops.


Although self-shadowing works well in MaxWhere, there are no dynamic shadows in it yet. If it is necessary for the space to have objects drop shadows on other objects and the objects are stationary, the shadowing effect can be achieved by baking the shadows on the receiving surfaces in Blender before exporting it.