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The objects that are seen and interacted with in MaxWhere are polygon meshes and as such, they can be exported Blender mesh objects. The exported mesh usually comes with its own phyisical mesh, although having a physical mesh is not obligatory for a mesh object in MaxWhere if interaction with it is not needed.

Exportable elements

As a rule of thumb, every mesh and text object can be exported.

Modifiers are usually exported without problems. Generate modifiers, for example, should not cause any trouble and most of the deform modifiers are exported without any as well.

However, there are some modifiers known to not export adequately:

  • the armature modifier;
  • all physical modifiers.

If any problems arise during the export or the exported result is not satisfactory, applying the modifiers ("freeze" the mesh) and exporting the resulting mesh should solve the problems.

If applying the modifiers does not solve the problem, please file an issue for us or send us an e-mail to

All mesh must have uv maps and although the default map generated by Blender is technically enough, it is strongly advised to set a custom uv map for the objects. The materials the uv maps are for should be set up according to the Texture maps and material settings page.